Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Out Of The Gate...and I'm Off! - Day 3 Todays weight 259.0lbs (down 7.5lbs)

Feeling good! Able to resist temptations yesterday but was a little frustrated. Surprised at the weight loss. Down another 4.5lbs. Looking Good!

Followed my meal plan yesterday with a few changes. I wasn't very hungry yesterday. I'm sure that will change once I'm back to work.

Here are my planned meals for today:

Breakfast: Coffee w/1Tbsp milk & Splenda

Optional: Apple (if I should get hungry before lunch time)

Lunch: 3 1/2oz Broiled boneless chicken breast w/Spinach salad and homade dressing, water to drink.

Snack: 1/2 Grapefruit w/ a little Splenda, water to drink.

Dinner: 3 1/2 oz Free-range beef seasoned with steak seasoning & onion powder, garlic and broiled, Zucchini slices sauteed in garlic, salt & pepper, Diet soda to drink.

Night Cap: Green Tea

Didn't do my 30 minute walk yesterday due to it being too hot when I was ready to walk. I'm on my way out the door this morning while it is still cool out.

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